Section outline
, 2017
February 23 - 25, 2024-5,
Connecting Online (CO) is a free 3-day online conference that has been taking place on the first full weekend of February since 2009. CO24 is the 15th annual CO event. This year, the event will take place from February 23 - 25, 2024.
The theme of CO24 is connecting online to share information (multimedia) on topics such as virtual and augmented reality, generative AI (images, videos, music, products, text), or other emerging technologies for education or business; engage with colleagues, students, and others; collaborate with peers, students, and others for instruction and learning.
Certificate of Completion with a workload of 30 hours will be available to the participants once they introduce themselves and create one book for each of the 3 days. Participants will use Book Creator to reflect on all the sessions of days 1-3 by adding screenshots, images, text and their voices as they reflect on each of the events.
- Get a free teacher account on Book Creator.
- Create a book for each day using Book Creator.
- Watch each of the 9 recordings of the Zoom meetings for days 1-3.
- Write the title, date, presenter, and share the link of the video recordings.
- Describe the event/session very briefly.
- How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?
- Add images to make your book appealing.
- Add the video recordings if you wish.
- Publish the book for the public.
- Embed the book.
Everything about Connecting Online Conference
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