• VWMOOC25 and How to Navigate the Learning Environments

    The tenth annual Second Life MOOC (renamed the Virtual World MOOC in 2018) started in 2014. VWMOOC24 will take place from August 1-31, 2025 on Integrating Technology with the synchronous meetings in virtual worlds and in ZOOM Registration is now open: 

    The theme of the current MOOC is “Connecting in Virtual Worlds. Communities of Practice” 

    There is a plethora of communities in virtual worlds promoting education and learning through connecting online via web technologies such as Second Life. The MOOC will focus on connecting online for collaborative learning and teaching around the world through virtual worlds like Second Life, Digiworldz, Kitely, Minecraft, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, or OpenSim. 

    The MOOC and the live online classes are organized and coordinated by Dr. Nellie Deutsch, Dr. Doris Molero, Dr. Valerie Hill, Dr. Nancy Zingrone. You may contact the organizers for further information and support. 

    Syllabus of VWMOOC25

    About the live presentations and links to join (recordings) Google docs to download, view, and print

    Bios of the Presenters are available to download, view, and to print out


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