
Course badges
NameSort by Name Ascending
Issued to meSort by Issued to me Ascending
CO24: Day 1 February 23, 2024 CO24: Day 1 February 23, 2024 reflections on the live eventsComplete ANY of:
  • Complete: "Forum - Reflect on Day 1 (Watch the Recordings above)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
CO24: Day 2 February 24, 2024 CO24: Day 2 February 24, 2024 reflections on the eventsComplete ANY of:
  • Complete: "Forum - Reflect on Day 2 (Watch the Recordings above)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
CO24: Introduction CO24: Introduction Complete ANY of:
  • Complete: "Forum - Get Acquainted with a Voki Avatar or D-ID AI (graded)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
Day 3 of CO24: February 25, 2024CO24: February 25, 2024 reflections on the eventsComplete ANY of:
  • Complete: "Forum - Reflect on Day 3 (Watch the Recordings above)"
  • Awarded by: Manager

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