
Course badges
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TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 1TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 1Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "Forum - Why use Voki? (Week 1)", "Forum - Strategies for Teaching English to Young Learners (Week 1)", "Forum - 1-2-3 Introduction to Teaching EFL to Young Learners", "URL - Presentation for Week 1", "Forum - Let's Get Acquainted"
  • Awarded by: Manager
TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 2TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 2Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Upcycling as a Way to create Lessons for EFL (Week 2)", "Book - Upcycling in the Classroom Reading Materials", "Forum - Discussing the Reading (Week 2)", "URL - Week 2 Wakelet for The Upcycled Classroom Activities", "Page - Welcome to Week 2 and Upcycling with Sheryl McCoy", "Page - Collaborative Wakelete for Week 2"
  • Awarded by: Manager
TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 3TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 2Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "Forum - Storyboard That Platform for Teachers and Students (Week 3)", "Forum - Create Stories Using Plotagon (Week 3)", "Forum - Reflect on the Readings: Storytelling (Week 3)", "URL - Presentation for Week 3: Storytelling", "Forum - Reflecting on Storyboard That (Week 3)", "Forum - Reflecting on Plotagon (Week 3)", "Page - Create Stories with Microsoft Copilot"
  • Awarded by: Manager
TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 4TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 4Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "Forum - Discussing the Reading Material: Board Games", "Forum - Activity week 4: Board Game (video tutorial)", "Book - Theory and Practical Readings: Board Games", "Folder - Reading Material: Board Games for Young Learners - Click on the link and then on the green "Amanote" next to each article in order to read and annotate.", "URL - Wakelet for Week 4", "Forum - Board Game Templates"
  • Awarded by: Manager
TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 5TEF2YL EVO2024 Week 5: Showcase and Reflect Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Presentation used in the live meeting (Week 5)", "Forum - Showcase on a Curation Wall (Week 5)", "Page - Book Creator (Tutorial) (Week 5)", "Forum - Book Creation with Book Creator (Week 5)"
  • Awarded by: Manager

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