
Warning: Badges associated with course and activity completions will not be issued until the course start date.
Course badges
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Issued to meSort by Issued to me Ascending
T4SC Week 1T4SC Week 1Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Week 1 Presentation shown in the ZOOM Meeting", "Forum - Let's Get Acquainted (Week 1)", "Forum - 1-2-3 Introduction (Week 1)", "Sticky Notes - Sticky Notes for Student Collaboration (Week 1)", "Forum - Collaborative Learning (Week 1)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
T4SC Week 2T4SC Week 2Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Week 2 Presentation", "Choice - Choose a Debate Topic (Week 2)", "Forum - Debates: Pros and Cons on IdeaBoardz (Week 2)", "Forum - Debates in the EFL/ESL Class (Week 2)", "Forum - Teamwork on a Lesson Plan for a Class Debate Activity Using Google Bard (Week 2)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
T4SC Week 3T4SC Week 3Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Week 3 Presentation", "Forum - Reading Task: Questions on Collaborative Learning", "Forum - Team Presentations and Screen Sharing Videos (Week 3)", "Page - Collaborative Video Annotations with Video Ant (Week 3)", "Forum - Collaborate on one of your videos using Video Ant and share the link (Week 3)", "Page - Images and Copyright", "Quiz - Copyrighted Images", "Page - Answers for the Quiz on Copyrighted Images", "Page - Check your Answers!"
  • Awarded by: Manager
T4SC Week 4T4SC Week 4Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "URL - Week 4 Presentation", "Forum - Results of the Responses (Week 4)", "Forum - Google Form Team or Individual Quiz (Week 4)", "Forum - Quizlet Study Set for the Debate Topic (Week 4)", "URL - Copy Google Form (Watch the video below and then click here to access and copy the Google Form)"
  • Awarded by: Manager
T4SC Week 5T4SC Week 5Complete ANY of:
  • Complete ALL of: "Forum - Showcase on a Curation Wall (Week 5)", "Page - Book Creator (Tutorial) (Week 5)", "Forum - Book Creation with Book Creator (Week 5)"
  • Awarded by: Manager

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