4. Syllabus

4.2. Week 1: January 15 - 21 (Getting Acquainted)  

Lead Moderator: Nellie Deutsch

By the end of week 1, participants will have: 
  • shared background, interest in joining the session, and expectations for the session in a 1-2-3 introduction
  • got acquainted using:
    • Voki or D-ID to introduce themselves with a speaking avatar.  
    • Wakelet to add and share their work (videos, audios, images, and text)
    • Poodle (in the Moodle LMS) to record themselves within the editor of the session.   
  • discussed strategies for Teaching English to Young Learners.
  • read an article on Voki
  • discuss the use of Voki with their students 



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