3. Session objectives

By the end of this workshop, participants will have: 

  • discussed challenges and activities involved in teaching EFL to young learners.
  • read and discussed articles on weekly topics and tools used
  • discussed methods of teaching young learners via Flip, Videos, Arts & Crafts; Games; Storytelling 
  • created activities using Flip, arts & crafts; board games; storytelling activities for young learners.
  • discussed student collaboration for young learners
  • engaged with peer and moderator video tutorials and video recordings of the live meetings using Annoto in the discussions.
  • recorded their voices using PoodLL and recorder using their audio and webcam directly from the editor 
  • added their reflections and feedback of the session using a Voki avatar and D-ID.
  • used screen recorders to create video tutorials to document their learning and to showcase their work.   

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