Topic outline

  • OBJECTIVES & TASKS: Overview of Week 1


    January 15 - 21

    Deutsch, N. (2023). Introduction [Image]. Canva. 

    In week 1, participants and moderators will introduce themselves using D-ID or Vidnoz to create a video showing the layout of the session, and learn about the AI language models they will be using. They will familiarize themselves with a captivating lineup of language models, including ChatGPT, Claude (with Anakin), Google Bard, and Bing. These cutting-edge language models represent a new era in technology-enhanced learning, offering unprecedented opportunities for educators to elevate their teaching methods.

    By the end of week 1, participants will have:
    • attended the weekly Zoom meeting or watched the recording of the meeting. 
    • introduced themselves and add their D-ID or Vidnoz videos to a collaborative Padlet.
    • taken a 3-2-1 activity to share their background, familiarity with AI and expectations from the session.  
    • choosen a screen recorder to create a video showcasing the layout of the session.
    • got free accounts and discuss AI language models such as ChatGPT, Claude, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing for instruction and learning or used Anakin to access Claude and other AI apps that maybe fee-based. 
    • discussed what's involved in Prompt Engineering. 
    • created a Padlet wall to curate their session course work.  


    How to Access ChatGPT 4, Claude, and other Paid AI Apps



    Chat GPT


    Google Bard

    Microsoft Bing



    Prompt Engineeing 


    Prompt Engineering

    (Google Developers)






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